Wednesday, April 05, 2006

conversation of the undiscovered apartment*

It was like a wisp and a morning and a glass of wine. As if there could have been. More than. Over this. See. The linoleum isn't yellow and I can tell. Other people have lived here. But the lamp gives a yellow glow and we need the lamp more than we need the dust bunnies or the neighbors. Though we don't live in this kitchen anymore. It was the blender that got in the way. And the toaster oven wasn't nearly the efficient heater they said it would be. And either way, it's imaginary and my bed is floating and the lake and I'm still cold.

* copied from our submission from Viola Lee


Unknown said...

I love the line "and either way, it's imaginary and my bed is floating and the lake and I'm still cold" And the whole toaster oven not efficent heater... and well. I actually just really like this! It's awesome.

amber said...

Thanks. This is what happens when you look at postings for apartments for rent all day long! But I thank you very much.

When are you going to start posting up on this thing? Hmmm?

Unknown said...

what do ya mean? posting up on this thing? Me so lost... I've been posting on my poetry blogish thing again..

amber said...

Yeah. I mean up on dimlab. Become a dimlab posting geek like the rest of us.

Unknown said...

I can't! I don't have access to it...

amber said...

ah...this, I believe, can be arranged...

Unknown said...

It could be.. but it hasn't been as far as I should know.