Saturday, December 30, 2006

Why the Universe is a Cold Hard Place (and other tales)

The sun died in the apple orchard because there was a worm in it. If it wasn't for the chewy center all would have been absolved. After the feast, there was another feast in mourning. We ate all night. In the morning it was dark and the trees were leafless and rigid and to touch was like shivering and nobody cried at all.


Ofelia said...

I am the chewy center.

ward gleason said...

Charles Bronson says, "That is kind of sad, sad and good." Charles Bronson says, "This story makes me sad because it says to me, 'Charles Bronson, you don't need to wear aviator sunglasses anymore' and I love wearing my aviator sunglasses."

MadisonGlass said...

Dude. Seriously. I cried though. Cried and cried. Man I'm wasted.