Sunday, December 31, 2006


I need the poetry submissions narrowed to 30 and the prose down to 20 in about a week. Now's the time to ask me for help. I'm unemployed and unforgiving.


Tao Lin said...

i want to submit, is it too late

Tao Lin said...

email to answer, i should have emailed, this is stupid, why am i typing this

will said...

you can have the prose, go for it!!!!
tao lin, you should submit.

S. Burgess said...

Yeah. Prose us. Prose it up.

amber said...

I just need the unread submissions to be finished. I can do the secondary narrowing.

Sorry Sarah.

New jobs suck.

S. Burgess said...

I already did the unread submissions. I cut out, like, fiteen or twenty. I did that a week ago. I know though. New jobs are hard. It's supposed to take six months to adjust to a new job. I only had one job that lasted more than six months. At the Y. Five years ago.

Tao Lin said...

just delete all the submissions except ones from people you already know

amber said...

I was just in the email yesterday and there were 36 unread submissions??? But, if they're done I'll get started tomorrow AM, and should have it done this Sunday night.

S. Burgess said...

Yeah. And there used to be 52. I was just getting rid of the really, really awful ones and putting up the others as "unread." Like we talked about. Sunday night. I'm holding you to that. I will expect the thirty poetry submissions we are looking at by 12:01 AM Monday. If you find before that that you need help, let me know. I'm narrowing down the prose submissions today.

Tao Lin. If you still want to swap out your piece, do it now. Or just send the other one and we'll decide which is best for the 20, which I think we already put you in. But I could be wrong, so send the other one. When did Tao Lin become the exception to all rules? This is Maddie's fault. We should fire her.

amber said...

All done. (by Saturday no less.)

Tao Lin said...

accept ellen and i and you will get mad hits

amber said...

ellen made it to the top it's up to the editorial gods...