Monday, June 05, 2006

interesting stuff

write poems via the erasure method at wave books or visit bear parade & read matthew rohrer.

also, i found alice notley's disobedience at half price books in scottsdale. otherwise, their poetry was nothing to shake a stick at...


amber said...

Wierd coincidence. I also just got Disobedience. But I also got Ted Berrigan's Selected Works, which I am enjoying, prefaced by Ms. Notley.

will said...

berrigan's the man. i seem to read the sonnets every few months, & his collected is full of dynamite work. you can listen to the sonnets & a really great poem called "red shift", i think, on PENNsound. i have yet to dig into disobedience much though. been reading "Interstate" by stephen dixon & "Whole Milk" by Jim Goar (a little chapbook from effing).